Sunday, July 17, 2011

Once Upon A (Night) Time

It was a Saturday night, the usual activities where lined up with the guys, plenty of alcohol, cigarettes and other things to smoke, which are for some reason frowned upon and an SUV to roam about the locality while we “performed” the aforementioned “activities”.
I joined the guys later on though, why?
I attended a gig, played by the upcoming bands in Mumbai, in the alternative rock scene. With a friend.
She’s probably the cutest little thing, doe-eyed, dusky, normal Indian-woman height, and black (REALLY) curly hair.
I’ve known her pretty long, about 3-4 years now, she was infact the reason behind, not one, but MANY mini-breakups with my, well, I honestly don’t know if we are still together are not. That’s a whole other story.
Do I like this friend? Maybe I did at some point in the past. But I guess we both are way past that stage where such things fuck-up good friendships and as she puts it “we’re awesome together”. She’s committed to a doctor guy, based in Pune. Yay.
I never understood why women feel the need to be equal to men in some things. The case I’m going to talk about today is Drinking, Alcohol. I mean, drink how much ever you can handle, im a 5’11in and 110kg monster, MOST human beings can’t drink much as I can.
One quarter of the girly vodka bullcrap, “green-apple with 7-up”, and a miniature port-wine. That was at around 11ish in the night.
Its 2am now, she’s still passed out on my bed, in my room, with my parents at home, and I can safely say I can feel my balls in the back of my throat.
That’s not the point of this piece I write though.
For many years to come, this story will be the story to get high and laugh on between me and the guys in the SUV, which we lovingly call our “mobile-bar”. The entry is based on “invitations only”.
It houses everything, from ‘chakna’ to a variety of alcoholic beverages, with amenities for all types of glasses. Again, I can now say, you will never leave our mobile-bar sober, and hungry.
That’s not the point of this either.
That mobile-bar, for me, is a second home, and “the guys” are way beyond what you may call “friends”. They are family. A family much closer to me than my literal one.
Let me give a little insight, about the guys.
One of them is a North-Indian-Brahamin-Delhi-ite, he’s got his own flourishing business, and he owns our “mobile-bar”. As sane as human beings can get, as humble as they come, a frank talker, and you will not stop laughing at the jokes he cracks.
The other one’s a mutt, part Punjabi, part Kerala-ite, How that happened, I still fail to understand, an engineering student like me. He’s, well him. I seriously doubt if there are more people like him. Again, as sane as they come, an extremely decent guy, he still thanks me for “getting him his first pair of tits”, and in his case, you will not stop laughing AT him. Also, he claims to be dyslexic, but I guess all of us know the real fact, “woh humlogka chutiya banata hain”.
Another one, Is a tall, lanky South-Indian-Brahamin fellow, who in no way is “shudhh” as per the Brahamin culture. He’s an executive at a very well-known five-star hotel. Like the rest of us, he’s “chilled out”, frank genuine, and smokes like a fucking chimney.
What connects us?
The fact, that our bunch, is one with possibly the most genuine people ever moulded. We are simple, we think less, we drink a lot, we smoke a lot. The actual “bond” between us, we haven’t been able to explain yet, and possibly won’t be able to ever. The fact remains, if and when the one of us needs the other two, may it be day or night, or in a different city or a country, the other two WILL be there or do everything in his power to help the one in need.
No, its not part of some deal we made. That’s just how we are.
The drunken slobs influence me in many ways that make me better.
Among the many sticky situations we’ve found ourselves in, they were with me, today too, when the friend I was with passed out, and did not leave me alone with her, even when the woman ended up puking in our “pyaari dhanno”. They were with me to the point of carrying her home, and placing her on my bed and telling me “kuch chahiye toh phone kariyo”.
As they say, friendships happen, and incidentally we all are the kind of people who don’t look for friendships, we like our alone-time. Also incidentally, none of us can point out, as to HOW and WHEN we began drinking together.
So yeah, tonight, was a night when something I knew all along, probably slapped me on my face.
The fact of “friendship”, a human emotion that always perplexed me, Is something that cannot be explained. “Love” for that matter, can be, related to the human need to “mate”.
Taking into account my condition now, I’ve been a popular guy all along, almost everybody knows “bala”, I probably have over 300 friends on Facebook, but I don’t need them, like I need these guys.
Pretty much like how “David” on FRIENDS says towards the end, “after years of trying to explain something, I’ve found that it cannot be done.”
The point of this piece, if you’ve managed to read the whole thing is that I myself do not know the point of this piece.
I just realised that I’ve been typing my thoughts as I sit on the floor in my room with my dog curled up on her bed beside me, with my friend passed out on my bed.
It’s 4am now, everything stands the way it was a couple of hours before,
Luckily, tomorrow is the “rest day” is my weekly gym regime.
Sleeping tonight doesn’t seem possible. After all, I’ve to drop this girl back home BEFORE my parents wake up and have me for breakfast.
What a Night, what a fucking, night, sheesh..

Friday, July 15, 2011

“You Kill Me? – I Kill Me, And You” – Part I

26th November, 2008 began like any other day, millions hurried towards another monotonous day at work like little pre-programmed drones, children heading to school, housewives glued to the television with what I can only describe as “unbelievable loyalty” to their daytime television shows.
The way that particular day unfolded, would change the city for many years to come. It wasn’t “just another day”.
It was the day 10 men, teenage boys more like, armed with the infamous Kalashnikovs I.e AK-47s and hand grenades, and a bag of dry fruits, brought the entire city to a stand-still.
They were a part of a group who call themselves Lashker-e-taiba, big surprise. They make it difficult NOT to be racist at times.
Entering our island city from the shores, through a stolen/rented out fishing boat, went on to openly firing at Leopold’s CafĂ©, a well-known spot in Colaba, and Victoria Terminus, one of the busiest railway stations in Mumbai and taking a strangle-hold on two of the biggest hotels, namely The Taj Mahal and Tower Hotel and The Oberoi Trident.
It brought out the true condition, mental and physical of the infamous Mumbai Police, no comments. The lack of adequate and latest arms and ammunitions and safety gear handicapped them further.The absence of appropriate planning cost us three of the best police officers we had on our side, namely Hemant Karkare(ATS Chief), Vijay Salaskar(Encounter Specialist) and Ashok Kamte(Additional Commissioner of the Mumbai Police).
Their vehicle was ambushed. They hadn’t worn their bullet-proof vests.
As the curtains drew shut on the nightmare, the reality and the gravity of the situation become more apparent.
The National Guard eventually brought the situation under control, 9 of the 10 terrorists were killed in the neutralization. One was caught, the infamous Kasab.
Their mindless killing, of Indian citizens and foreigners alike, to the point where the body count read “AT LEAST 166 killed and 293 wounded”.
Its three years later now, Kasab continues to lead a rather happy life in various Indian Jails. The human-rights activists are working towards a “fair trial” for a guy who blindly fired an AK-47 in a crowded railway station and killed countless innocent human beings.
And to talk about irony…sheesh.

“You Kill Me? – I Kill Me, And You” – Part II

Picking up from the irony…
The questions almost ALL Indians now ask go something like this – “Are Indian Jails actually a vacation spot for terrorists?”
“Does a man whose main aim was to kill as many Indians as possible, deserve a ‘fair trial’ in an Indian court of Law?”
14th July 2011, THREE more synchronized bombs go off on the busiest streets of Mumbai, Opera House, Dadar and Xaveri Bazaar, another live explosive detected and neutralized by the Mumbai police in Santacruz.
AT LEAST 21 died, over 160 wounded.
The rumour mill also excreted out another one, which claimed that 14th July was Kasab’s Birthday, and the explosives were a symbol of respect “by his friends”.
“Nothing can be done by our country, after three days of unnecessary new reports, debates, celebrity interviews, they will make a documentary called ‘Spirit of Mumbai’”, said a rather agitated Shweta Basu, a BMM student.
Yeh bharat desh hain, abhi agar America mein bomb girta toh theen chaar missile nikal liye hote, destination bina poochhe nikal liye hote, maalum hain na osama ko kab maara, kab dafnaa diya, maalum pada?”, added Prashant Gautam, even more agitated, he even shed light on another major fact.
The fact that, our hard-earned money, the majority of which we pay as taxes, go towards aiding such captured terrorists.
In short, we pay, for their vacation.
Are these thoughts justified?
From where I stand, Hell fucking YEAH.
Not only the fact that imprisoning is a very decent thing to do, for what they brought over the whole city.
I stand bamboozled at the fact that, a terrorist is being given the best food, the best cells in prison, more security than most VVIPs in Mumbai meander along with, and to add to that, the best lawyers in the business to give him a “fair trial”.
It’s almost too inviting.
Who wouldn’t attack us, knowing we would keep them alive with our tax money AND give them a fair trial, after killing countless??
I can now say, clearly, that the people of India, do not trust their own Government, for whatever it stands, it doesn’t count for nuts.
The ONLY action, if any, misused, the infamous Mumbai Police take, are by putting up 10-15 ‘naaka-bandis’, the point of which goes from “catching terrorists” to harassing commuters for infringement of negligible laws, clearly to earn some “pocket money”.
They earn their salary, twice over, each day, as bribes.
The Indian Constitution states that the police, can NOT, charge commuters for flouting traffic norms, clearly for which the Traffic Police exist.
When pointed out to, the commuters are threatened by demanding money by claiming false charges.
Some say, it’s done, most say its beyond repair, being ranked in the Top 5, of a list whose title is “Most Corrupted Nations”, almost all, have given up.
I ask you one question,
What good is your country, when you yourself, are not welcome and safe in it?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

INDIA - A Developing Nation?- Part Uno - Educational Predicaments

When it comes to the overview of the holistic development of India, a certain phrase seems synonymous, “the same gift, re-wrapped in a more attractive wrapper”. We are the same ignorant people, part of a system run by the same kind, with the only difference being, the fact that now, we earn better.

“ An Indian father and son got into a heated debate which unfolded as follows –

Father- What is the sole most important thing India provides the world?

Son- Tech Support

**SMACK!** “

The above was a joke, published on a certain website. A joke, which almost seems surreal, Why? Because, that father, that son, me and you reading this, know for a fact, that it’s true.

It’s the year 1970, a farmer toils all day at field, and somewhere in his mind echoes “mera beta bada hoke engineer banega”, “mera beta daactur banega”.

Let’s time-travel to 2011, a big executive at an MNC works all day, with the EXACT same thought. Hence the reference to the gift-wrapper phrase.

India, as we already know, along with China, are the leading exporters in labour, labour of all kinds. Ranging from opening the country for various BPO’s to set up, to generate employment to sending executives to respective countries to work there, as we are the only breed of earthlings to readily work week-ends, for a much cheaper rate and way lesser benefits.

It’s a vicious cycle, from parents, to children to their children where the whole concept of “living your life to its fullest”, doesn’t even feature on the credits.

The cycle goes something like this,

You study, in most cases forced to, something you hate, put in 10-12 Hr days at the office doing something you hate, earn what seems to be a large sum with the ‘$’ sign, have a major epiphany when you have your first heart-attack about how you pretty much did nothing you ever wanted to or made you happy all your life and then die.

Why can’t Indian parents see their children as, football/basketball players, Artists, Photographers, Writers, Actors, Video Game Designer, doing something which makes THEIR life fulfilling without being frowned upon?

More so, the same Indians, who want to be safe, who want everybody around them safe, who complain about the Indian Political Scene and doubting the abilities of the India Armed Forces, here’s a question,

WHY do you NOT encourage YOUR child, to be a politician? or an Army man?

The relationship between a parent and a child, is one of a kind, and the strongest around. The protective and possessive nature’s justified, doubting that, or a parent’s love is not the aim of this piece.

Just, as the parents expect the child to understand, the child feels the same need too, even more at times.

Times change, encourage whatsoever the kid wants to do or become in his/her life. Stop trying to live the life you always wanted through your children, the feelings may not be mutual.

Try and be a guide, not a jail warden.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Nation Of Examination

The Head of Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India, C.N Rao had penned down a letter to the P.M, pointing out the faulty educational system of India comprising of multiple entrance examinations, autonomous Universities and their examinations.

His statement, “India does not have an education system, but an examination system” has really struck a chord with todays youth and has become quite “viral” on various social networking websites conducting “polls” and “questions” based on the same harvesting millions of “hits”.

Gautam Nair, a mechanical engineering student from a well known college in the city says, “The feeling is subjective, for high-scoring students will score high in any case, but these multiple entrance exams, give us mediocre students a chance to enter the market”. Whereas, Shantanu Shah, a class XII student, dreams of a world without examinations and with innovative ways of learning.

C.N Rao, in his letter, has put forth an idea based on the American system, ONE common entrance exam for all universities, like the SATs, which would be a major leap forward compared to the present system which is, chaotic, least to say. At the same time, it will also reduce the burden on the students by a great deal and make Education “fun again”, instead of making students fear it, and run away from it, and thats just the education aspect of it, its better not spoken about the quality of the teaching faculty in today's universities.

Statistically, the rate of student suicides is going up exponentially, with every year as children fail to “meet the standards” of their/their parents’ “Dream Institutions/ Universities” and are afraid to face the ones they love, let alone the world. Students give up years of their lives trying to get into these “high-end” institutions. Parental Pressure, makes things worse.

Yes, our Nation’s education system needs a makeover, and it needs one fast.

For which, we need to get back to basics, comprehend the real meaning of the word “education”. In the Oxford Dictionary, Education means “the act or process of acquiring knowledge”. Another states, “acquiring a skill/knowledge for the overall dynamic development of the individual”.

Nowhere, does it state, OUR nation’s interpretation of “education” which goes on the lines of “the act of enforcing 12 sets of examinations on a child, and decide his/her future FOR him/her on basis of ‘marks obtained’, which can be easily done by rote-learning everything in the reference books “. And also, “suppress any form of creativity and understanding” or “the act of creating low-cost, willing-to-work-weekends, drones for foreign companies”.

There are two kinds of people in the world, the street-smart and the book-smart, our youth needs to be the perfect mix of both, and not end up like the above mentioned “drones” who, are neither with no practical subject knowledge and lack of remotely ANY social life.

Hence, the “low-cost” and “willing-to-work-weekends”, our education system, in simpler terms, churns out donkeys for the richer countries, who work weekends, for something they THINK is a lot of money and are taken advantage off.

Why? Because they are not equipped to be authoritative and command for what their work deserves, the “$” sign before the three to four digits is what they work for.

Seriously, Its time to Turn the Page.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bollywood Feat. Munni and Sheila

Bollywood. The word that has become synonymous with India, along with some other words viz. chaos, unemployment and population explosion.

Bollywood is the front-runner in the group of Indian Movie Industries, including Kollywood( Kannada), Tollywood(Tamil) and The Bengali Industry.

Yes, Bollywood is like a factory, vomiting movies with weak, family-oriented, over-dramatized scripts and an unusual amount of songs.

And yes, Bollywood does in fact consist of songs with ridiculous music, outrageous lyrics and a horde of ugly people moving their bodies at bizarre angles around trees, which they call dancing.

Bollywood has a glorious history, achieved its “Golden Age” during the 40s and 50s, after Independence. This period included a number of gems in the now tarnished crown of Bollywood viz. Pyaasa, kaagaz ke phool, also the epics Mother India and Mughal-e-azam, making remakes of which the existing crop of “film-makers” earn their bread n’ butter.

So, Why “ now tarnished” crown?

Because, Bollywood is like the faulty MIGs in the Indian Air-Force, without engines, spiralling out of control and the “Eject Seat” mechanism has been jammed due to use of low-quality raw-materials.

It has degraded from “Mother India” to “Kraazzy 4”, from “Mughal-e-azam” to “Faltu” and from “Awaara” to “Julie”.

And that was just in terms of scripts.

Bollywood, has gone from the exquisitely written songs of the yesteryears’ like “Kuch toh log kahenge” to

“Munni badnaam hui, darling tere liye,

Main Zandu balm hui, darling tere liye,

Main atom bomb hui, darling tere liye”

From “Jis Des mein Ganga behti hain” to

“Sheila, Sheila ki jawaani,

I’m too sexy for you,

Main tere haath na aani,


The de-evolution is evident for all to see.

There are a few promising ones over the years too, viz. Rang de Basanti, a beautiful interpretation of the youth, Being Cyrus, which is endearingly twisted, A Wednesday, Naseeruddin Shah and Anupam Kher, enough said, Ishquiya, was a breath of fresh air and Omkara, a rather successful adaptation of Othello.

Producers and Production companies need to encourage such scripts, provide a platform for such movies and movie-makers to showcase their abilities and not dismiss certain scripts just because they do not appeal “commercially”.

The public need to grow up, for one, and TRY to acquire a good taste in movies and music. It’s ultimately the public’s fault that these production houses churn out such disgraceful movies every week.

It’s a case of uniform degradation of quality(refer to the previous post about human de-evolution), as they degrade, so do their tastes, they with the money-minded boneheads who give them what they “desire”, have bungled the “movie-going” experience for the rest of us.

So, next time, before you ask me to go for some Hindi movie with you, remember that, I’d rather jump off a a boat in the middle of an ocean with a boulder tied to my feet.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Albatross Around Your Neck

One of the greatest works of English Literature, “The Rime of The Ancient Mariner”, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, imparts a powerful message.

The story of an old sailor, with captivating eyes, telling his tale, in the form of an elongated yet beautiful poem. For the lesser read, you may recognise the same from Iron Maiden’s infamous cover version.

For the absolutely ignorant, the tale is about how a sailor was punished by his own crew by hanging the albatross he killed at sea around his neck as they considered the bird to be a sign of good-luck as it brought with it the healthy winds, clear skies and bright sunshine which helped them out of the Antarctic where they were trapped due to a storm. The murder of the bird arouses the wrath of the spirits which eventually led the ship back into icy waters where it was then becalmed.

Ever since, the phrase “Albatross around your neck” has been synonymous with the mistakes/choices people end up having to live with. In other words, it refers to the “baggage” which people lug, physically and emotionally. It may be a bad relationship, it may be parental or peer issues, educational, etc.

The problem? There is absolutely no problem carrying your “baggage”, that’s your problem to deal with, one arises when earthlings let theirs affect the decisions, which in turn affects the present which in turn affects somebody else.

The solution? Yes, you may have your past, who doesn’t? But, a past is called so, for a reason, realise it, acknowledge it and learn from it. Earthlings need to take the Albatross off their necks, drop their baggage, there are better things to do and to worry about in life. In life, the best way to travel is with a hand-baggage of good company, good music and good vibes.

This gives way to the most clichĂ©d line, “Your past should not be something that pulls you down, it should be a learning curve and a stepping stone to something bigger and better.”

After all, what makes a man, is not the choices he makes, not the path he chooses but, the way he decides to end things.


Friday, February 18, 2011

INDIA – The New Generation, Degeneration?

“ 2nd graders, caught having oral sex in class” “Under-age driver mows down 5 huts, killing 3”, SUCH are the headlines the newspaper spits at my face every single morning making me wonder, what in the holy HELL went wrong in the making of the current generation.

It was the year 2009, the year I turned 18 and with it came the first ever new-year’s party I was “allowed” to attend. What surprised me in that party? The majority of the crowd there, were my juniors in the 8th – 9th grade from school, doing everything there was to do.
When did you get your 1st cell-phone?

After 10th grade, because you earned it by getting good marks?

In the 11th grade, because your parents could keep in touch with you, when you bust your ass travelling miles to college?

Just yesterday, there I was standing at the Vodafone showroom to pay my bill, a school-girl clad in the rather dull shade of the usual school uniforms, walks in, flips open her Xperia X10, n starts typing away to glory and there I was, wanting to slaughter her for I bet, she didn’t know a THIRD of the functions capable with such a beautiful phone, yet she had one.
Through and through the grapevine, I came to hear about some little dude who got a new PS3 because he threatened his parents to run away from home.

In my time, if I threatened to leave home, the typical reply from my Dad would’ve been “hahaha, go.” Where does that leave me?

How can we forget about the two most profitable small-time businesses in India right now?

Yes, I am referring to the BIGGEST farce ever possible and I give complete credit to whoever had this idea, The Hookah Parlours. They have actually managed to make kids believe that, adding sad fruit flavours to the “chillams” makes it “safe”. According to the studies, ONE hour of Hookah is equivalent to smoking 50+ cigarettes.
Prime Targets – 7th – 12th graders, who sit for a minimum of 3 hours at a stretch, with each Hookah costing around Rs.350.


Pool/Snooker Parlours, they are the “in” thing. You can visit these places just to see, our future generation shamelessly blowing their parent’s money at the rate of Rs.1000 per game, minimum.
The more intelligent entrepreneur, has combined MONEY RACKET 1 and MONEY RACKET 2, and given birth to MONEY RACKET No.3. It basically being both the “RACKETS” put together. Welcomed by the “cool dudes and dudettes” the “new and improved” Hookah + Snooker/Pool Parlours.

It’s surreal, to see our nation’s future, spending money, as if their parents shit currency notes everyday, and slowly get enslaved to the tobacco and nicotine burning their lungs, day-in and day-out as they shoot balls.

Which makes me ultimately wonder, if the actual process of de-generation has begun.

No, I am In NO way complaining. I love my life, I love my parents. It’s just the fact that, today’s kids do not understand the value of things they already have, let alone the things given to them.

So, What now?

Parents need to take over what is theirs. Rules, morals and control should be brought back. You need to be liberal, agreed, doesn’t mean that you let your kids off your control.

A message to all the Youngsters, No, I do not have anything against you guys, I got better things to do. You’re free to fuck yourself, you’re doing a great job anyway.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Endless Debate - Believers Vs Atheists

Here’s another one of the Drunk/Stoned conversation stories.

Same scenario, spazzing out on the pool-chairs.

Yet again we hit the topic of “God”.

And the age old debate of Believers Vs Atheists began.
My Friend, yeah, the same “god is energy” dude.

Me, an atheist, all said and done, but unlike some people, I know my mythology, my Vedas and all the “god” stories I’m supposed to know, and being an atheist is something I chose, AFTER I did my research.

Coming back, The point which he put forward was that “God” he believed in, was not some person, with a shape and form, “ “God” is just energy” he said, it’s the people who mess the concept up.

Let’s talk science, shall we? Heard of String theory?

EVERYthing in the universe, is said to be made of energy, in form of strings/ strings of energy, and according to the most fundamental Law of physics –
Energy can never be created, nor destroyed, it just changes form.

Which implies that, you, reading this piece, AND everybody and everything around you, is basically energy.

So, when you die, what happens to that energy? Does it become a shapeless entity? In which case, the whole concept of “spirits” comes alive. Do you even realise the difference, or do you continue living in a different dimension?

Who knows? Well, I Don’t.

As I’ve stated in the entry before this one, if one does look at the deeper meaning of things, there is science involved, in some way or the other. But, I'm not ready to believe that there is an invisible being up top, who keeps account of my every action, and will banish me to an eternity of burning in hell if I don't pray to him, and yet, he apparently, loves us.
That being said, this debate, has gone on, and will go on, over the years to come, with no conclusion.

Nobody knows why.

But that’s the beauty of life, the power to ask, the power to reason, the life we atheists choose. We do not to believe blindly, on what has been taught in school, or by our parents, or the various religious institutions. We do not believe in the “invisible supreme being”.
Adults with imaginary friends, should really consider professional help.

You get us proof, earn your respect.

So, Which side are you on?

Inside Man – The War Within

India is a country of great diversity, being home to numerous religions, and with them the sometimes ridiculous beliefs and rituals. In the midst of all the mixture and chaos, our nation still manages to run itself, perfectly, but that’s a whole different issue.
Me, personally, I do not believe in any of the above. I believe things I can see and touch and I refuse to believe that there is an invisible human being who keeps account of my every action, who will assign me heaven if I worship him, or I would burn in the fiery fires of hell for all of eternity, and yeah, apparently he loves us.

That being said, one evening, after one of our drinking/smoking sessions, a very good friend of mine(a god-fearing guy) and me decided to go to our club, to chill. The conversation, which we had that day, barring the fact that we were drunk and stoned to oblivion, was possibly one of the best I’ve had.

No, I didn’t become a “believer”, but what that conversation did, was to open our heads to a completely new perspective to look things as we both brought completely different ideas to the table.

The new perspective, is what I’m going to share with you now.

The topic of our conversation, somehow reached the two major Mythological “stories” – The Ramayana and The Mahabharatha, which again, cannot be proven chronologically, yet the flats of Kurukshetra are considered to be land the “holy war” was fought upon.

Again, discarding the “Godly-human” perspective of these great tales, I managed to see through to the scientific side of these books (credit the drunk bugger spazzing out on the pool-chair beside mine), The Ramayana talks about the tale of Rama and Ravana, Whereas, The Mahabharatha talks about the Pandavas and Kauravas, the tale of “victory of the good” and the war between two sets of brothers born to the same father, respectively.

Both, have a common thread, the same every sad Bollywood movie does, A Hero and a Villian, his minions and a woman. Doesn’t the latter part bear a resemblance to the everyday happenings in your life? Isn’t there a good side and a bad side, within you, which are constantly at war? So were these books written, with a hidden meaning, a secret to life, with characters to make it interesting? I’d never know. Think about it.

We, somehow, hit the subjects of the Vedas, The Bhagwat-Gita and The Upanishads. For the lesser-read, The Vedas, are the “holy scriptures”, pretty much like your bible, the kuran, etc etc. The Vedas are split into 4 different books – The Rig Veda, The Yajur Veda, The Sama Veda and The Atharva Veda. These were written, scores of years ago, by scholars and monks, having read them, they’re as scientific as your average science textbook. It’s just the matter of looking at it the right way. The Bhagwat-Gita, doesn’t need any introduction, and The Upanishads are basically as set of stories, in forms of hymns or prose, which explain the way of life.

What struck me about the above? None of them, forced or made it mandatory in any way to accept “God” or any kind of idol worship. Surprisingly, even they speak about the energy within. Which makes you, me and everybody around, god. Given, that they state the right way to live, and the correct values, according to them, But they have nowhere, asked anybody to follow them. It’s pretty much like guidelines, to who-ever wants to follow.

By the end of it, We both realised, that his version of being “god-fearing” also respects science, probably the reason why his points made sense, unlike the bigoted assholes who can’t think straight, who think its their birth-right to convert you to their religion and blame every doing on “god”.

So yeah, Bottom-line?

I Am God, You are God, Everybody is god.

I don’t mind the concept of “god”, I mean, to each his own, But it’s his fan-following that fucks my brain.
