Thursday, June 25, 2015

On Behalf Of My Fellow Gentlemen

I love women. I mean, being a man, why wouldn’t you, unless of course you’re the kind to swim upstream, that’s cool too.
They’re beautiful, delicate, nurturing and complicated creatures.
We men are primitive that way, we’re simple.
That’s probably what makes us an ideal combination. We complete each other, so to speak.
But then the times haven’t been as glorious for the women, as it has for us men, especially in a country like India, from the sexism, the atrocious religious practices like Sati, and infanticides/foeticides all the way to the dowry system.
A lot’s changed obviously, we’ve come way, way too far. But there are still places in this country where a boy child is a blessing from god and a girl child is a cursed liability even if that boy grows up to be uneducated and a future child-rapist and the girl, a fancy doctor.
It’s brilliant now though. We walk shoulder to shoulder as we always should have from the very beginning. You women are right up there, almost whopping our primitive man-asses in all walks of life, and I respect you immensely for the same.
That being said, I do have some issues with your race, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be up at 2am writing this yeah?
It’s not feminism, I get it, to an extent I guess, you are pissed, my race hasn’t been kind to yours and about 75% of them are still certain kind of holes you find in the human body.
So the issues can be categorized into 3.
  • “Ways to Make a Woman happy” Posts on the Internet.
You know when I wake up in the morning, do my business, sit down for a quiet breakfast as I catch up on the newspapers, then come the updates/notifications on social networks which had been apparently giving my phones orgasms by vibrating all night while I was asleep.
It’s usually around this point where I come across at least 5 posts which are supposed to teach me, a man, everything from, “make the date perfect for her” to “her 10 favourite positions in bed” to “15 things a woman looks for in a man”.
Also at this point is when I lose it, throw the phone away and continue eating my cereal staring at a wall.
Now. I really want to meet these self-righteous women out there who actually spend their quality time, time in which other women in the world are making serious advancements, to sit around calling themselves bloggers/writing such posts, preying on the fact that man is an inherently insecure animal.
No. You telling me what you like, is not my problem. You can scream on a mic. in front of the whole world that you like it from behind, or something of that sort, it is not my problem.
My problem is that underlying message in each of these posts is “Men are nimble-witted-morons, women are perfect, and men hold the sole responsibility in holding the relationship together, by following the steps given by a third-party woman on how to please his woman, and men are oh-so-lucky to have women”.
How many posts have you come across giving out apparent cheat-points on how to treat us men?
I mean, if tomorrow there’s a post titled “Women, here are 10 ways to keep your man happy in bed”, it’d probably be hated on, the author would be called a male-chauvinistic-pig, there’d be a candle march, and a protest in front of his house calling for a public apology.
My race is so messed up, sad single dudes will join the protests just to impress the ladies. I hate it, but it’s true. This section of the men is also responsible for these posts getting viral and showing up on my phone’s screen as I shove cereal into the big hole in my face.
  • Why do you always have to be the victim?
It’s a talent, honestly. It is just so beautiful the way you ever so seamlessly turn the tables on us men without us even realising it, and actually manage to make us feel guilty.
I’m not even kidding, it is just so beautiful, it’s not nice when it happens to you, but being a guy who’s just intrigued by the smallest nuances of the human behaviour which people tend to overlook, I often look back at and go “damn, she’s good, I mean I feel like an absolute ball-sack, but damn she’s good”.
Think about this, in a relationship between two people, when a man cheats on his woman, shit hits the fan, metaphorically speaking of course, the whole world turns on him, the people around him, including a section of his own male friends who’re single and horny, seeking an opening, hate him more than the Americans hated Bin Laden, there’s just instant judgment which happens almost always against the man, “he’s an insatiable dog”, “he deserves to die” and other such well known statements come up from everywhere.
Is all this judgement justified, well yes, cheating on your partner is wrong to say the least, whatever the disagreement may be.
But. But. But. Butt.
Why does this change when the woman cheats on her man in the relationship? Where goes the equality?
The man is still blamed and laughed at for not keeping his woman happy, people still hate him because they believe he’s making the poor woman’s life a living hell as a result of which she cheated looking for companionship to make her happy, some women even manage to convince the man about the same and the general consensus always seems to me “He must’ve done something really bad for this to happen!”.
Ergo, a man cheats, it’s the man’s fault, a woman cheats, it’s still the man’s fault?
‘cuz Logic. Who needs something as fundamental as logic, right?
Here’s a little secret, if a man is truly happy, and completely invested in the relationship mentally, emotionally, and physically, he will never cheat, purely because the primitive state of mind kicks in, he’s found his mate, that part of his life is settled, he does not want to mess up everything he already has. He’s too lazy to do everything all over again with someone new, it’s just that simple.
I can vouch for the above, ‘cuz I’ve been in both states of mind at some point in my young life.
But it’s this hypocrisy that, well, fornicates with my brain, to put it decently and its everywhere!
I mean, you fight for equality, yet you demand reservations, you cheat on a man, and then you convince him that he’s the reason you cheated, you fight against why men are getting higher salaries, where you should be fighting for why you aren’t, you claim abusive language is indecent, yet you seem to thrown those very beautiful words at whim, you claim men cannot be raped, ‘cuz apparently sex is all we think about, why do you highlight only the cases of domestic violence where the victims a woman, what about all those cases about battered husbands?
I ask you, why this drastic difference in perspective when all you claim you want is equality?
I get it, I truly do, that you are a far, far more evolved species, than us men, when it comes to thinking, feeling and other complex human emotions, but that doesn’t mean we’re always to blame. Most times we don’t even know what we did wrong, that’s how clueless we are.
So if you fight for equality and woman-empowerment, I’m completely with you, however if you interpret that as gathering in groups for male-bashing and trying to take over the world in a way, then you my friend, are wrong.
  • Let me be the first one – 9 Things a Woman Should Know to Keep her Man Happy
1. All real men, are Mumma’s boys, and their family is a very important aspect in life, they may not say it out loud, but we are. Deal with it.
2. It really matters to us that you meet, get along with our close friends and pretty much earn their approval.
3. We love the fact that you’re independent, strong women, it’s actually really attractive in a lady, but we love it more when you put that aside when you’re with us and let us take care of you, and protect you.
4. We don’t throw the “L” word quite as often and easily as you guys do, so if your man says he loves you, and talks about a future with you, you better know for sure that he’s in it for the long haul, he has settled, the “find a mate” objective of his primitive brain is now complete.
5. Once committed, no matter how big a fight you may have, “breaking up/ending it” will never even appear as viable options, in our heads, we’d always rather compromise, and work things out.
6. No man, and I say again, not one man, wants to hear what you did with some other guy friend and how much fun you had, the same way you don’t like us talking about other women when we’re with you.
7. The first thing we look for in a woman, contrary to popular belief, is not, well, your assets and endowments, they don’t even feature on the list, but it’s your eyes and your smile.
8. Sense of humour and intelligence are major, major turn-ons.
9. Don’t be opportunistic and selfish, it beats the whole point of the relationship, meaning, if your man is away in a godforsaken place with limited connectivity to the outside world, working hard and trying to make a lucrative future to keep you happy, and has a couple of super-hectic months by the end of each day of which he literally passes out as soon as he enters his lonely small room in the middle of nowhere, don’t say you’re unhappy and throw away a three year relationship over 2 bad months, just like that, and then move on a week later with someone/multiple people who apparently make/s you happy, all this after he took you back after you cheated on him.
There are morals. There is a right and there is a wrong.
Being selfish, is human nature, but being plain disgusting, that, that is a choice.
A very good friend of mine who usually gets the sneak-previews of my posts before I actually put it up here, acts as my spell/grammar check and gives me the most straight-faced, honest reviews, mentioned that the tone of this piece is never truly neutral, it apparently veers towards feminism and chauvinism alternatively, it may be partially intentional on my part, but think about it, isn't that the actual problem with the world?
This was a long one, wasn't it? bahaha.
Well, see you next week then.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Those Awkward Moments I


I’m sure we’ve all been to a kazillion different weddings. It may have been a friend’s, or a friend’s sibling’s, or your own siblings’ or in this particular case, somebody you’ve never seen before in your life but find yourself there because of your parents.

See now that, that takes things to a whole different level of awkward as in time you realise your mother’s going to drag you up to the stage for one picture with the obviously tired newly-weds who by now regret having this function all together which will be lost in millions of pictures which will be made into a cheesy CD along with other cheesier couple portfolio pictures as the vinyl on the CD.

I mean, what are you supposed to say to the couple, neither of whom you’ve never seen before? “Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, you’re getting married, so free food maybe?”

It's alright if they end with one grand function, like it does in the west. But in India, it has to be a weeklong affair for some reason. Yup, contrary to popular western belief Indian weddings do not just include a laptop and a goat (it still does in some parts, I guess). But generally, it’s an extravagant affair which encompasses customs like mehandi, sangeet, reception, some other little poojas, then the marriage itself and in some customs, another reception.

I love it, to be honest with you, the whole concept of it.
I get it if its’ your own wedding, or a relatives’. But what in the holy hell do you do in some random persons’ “special day”?

All the non-Indians reading this, I’ll let you in on one thing, the quality of the food you feed to the number of people indicates how well to do your family is. So, it’s a competition, essentially, every wedding is planned to out-do any other wedding they might’ve been to.

So, basically, after the 10 minutes people spend reaching the stage and congratulating the lucky couple, they sit around worrying about who’ll get the free food first. I don’t blame them, completely anyway, I mean, what else do you have to do sitting around?

Also, the chairs, ever wondered why there are chairs spread out in the reception hall when people are going to stand in a line as long as the river Nile to get into that one picture your mother drags you to anyway?

It’s like a giant line at the grocery store. You just need to show your face, check in your items (in this case your gift, in most Indian weddings, these include exorbitant flower bouquets or shiny envelopes with large currency notes jutting out), and get to the other side to your car. Just that unlike the grocery store, before you get to your car, you go through a lavish banquet showcasing all types of cuisines which you get to eat, for completely free.

It’s pretty much like a song from a generic Bollywood movie. There is a female lead, a male lead, and 500 others who have menial or no significance to the story. And yet they all dance around a tree in a field just ‘cuz the leads are doing it.

Okay, I might come across being an Anti-Indian custom prick, but no, I’m Indian, I’m proud to be one. As I said, I love it, I love the concept of it, but I’d rather go watch a generic Bollywood movie than sit through random people’s weddings. You can walk out in the middle of a movie!

This was just one of the many awkward moments, hence the “I”, you learn to deal with being an India. We lot are the most socially prepared. We go through SO much all our lives that nothing really affects us after a point.

The other installments to this one are ready, to be edited, or still being written.

I apologise as I’ve been so disconnected lately, it’s like I’m Academia’s little bitch, with assignments, presentations, brown-nosing the professors so that they would not fuck me over just because they can and fuck knows what else I’m supposed to be doing “in order to have a better future” :-|.

I will try my best to be more active on here. And please, oh please, If you have, or are planning to have children, let them be hobos, but do not let them do Engineering from Mumbai University, India, ‘cuz well, it’s the same thing, just worse.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chandler's Third Nipple

All "Friends" devotees would remember the exact episode I'm talking about here. The one where the girl with a prosthetic leg who freaks out on seeing chandler's "nubbin".

The thing about the series is that no matter how much I try to not like it, I can't stop identifying with it. Same with probably everybody in the world which made it the biggest and longest running sitcoms ever.

I bet nobody can identify with any one particular character, that's the sheer genius in the writing of the show, there is a Monica, a Ross, a Chandler, a Rachel, a Joey, a Phoebe and even a Gunther and Janice in all of us.

So why this particular episode?

It portrays, subtly so, the most common features of man, passing judgments about people and learning to deal with them eventually if needed. As the show starts Chandler's the one freaking out about her fake leg, when he does deal with it, she freaks out after seeing his "nubbin".

We all do this, every single moment in our lives. I mean in general, not particularly about stumps and three nipples. Everytime you see a pretty girl with an old guy, your brain screams Golddigger/slut, she may/may not actually be in love with him, not anybody's problem, everytime you see a guy being slightly emotional, GAY! Well again, he may/may not be, not anybody's problem.

The magic words being, its not anybody's problem, unless it actually is theirs. The only business you should be minding, is yours. Nothing justifies judging others, prematurely atleast.

I mean if somebody I guessed would be annoying is infact annoying and continues annoying me, I would put him through a wall, but it's that initial chance is what I'm talking about. Give that to people, you'd be surprised by what they can offer/add to your existing network of people. You can always undo it later if required, like in my example, but once you've shot yourself in the foot, it's way more difficult mending fences then.

As I said, you can not guess as to who you'd end up needing when and vice-versa. The world functions on convenience, where "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" is a tried and tested formula. Stick with it.

It's awesome having 3-5 friends who are closest to you, but there is not harm in having a network of over hundreds of others who may come in handy, or someone you can help whenever you can, IF you know how to manage them well.

The concept of having these networks is now being used on an enormous scale, from spreading awareness about a social issue to acquiring well paying jobs, nationally and internationally.

So I end this(as I'm getting late for gym) by saying that you would not want anybody to judge you within 10 seconds, give that same respect and advantage to the people you interact with.

I'm not saying be over-friendly, I'm saying be receptive, to them, their talents and their ideas and you'll find them being the same towards you. Cheers.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Half An Hour At The Road-side Cobbler

Vacations, finally. I would rather sit at home doing absolutely nothing, but then its almost like parents hate having their children home during vacations.

While I was thinking about errands to run just to avoid talking or having to spend any significant time with my mother, I realised 3 pairs of shoes needed to be re-stitched. So, to the roadside cobbler’s I went.

I knew my shoes would take time, so I went to this little shanty on the side of a busy market road fully equipped with 4 cigarettes and a diet-coke. Earlier, my phone’s battery spazzed out, so I didn’t have that to give me company.

So what do you do at a side of a busy market road waiting for your shoes to be worked on? 

Well, nothing, just stand there and look around. It’s funny ‘cuz standing and looking around at the random people scurrying around with varying expressions, thoughtful expressions with oversized shopping bags can be quite entertaining.

It’s a complete package, with groups of teenagers, the studious ones only half alive returning home from classes, the ones who think they’re cool with their creepy dressing sense, with the “chhappars” whose only aim in life seems to be standing suspiciously in small groups on the street looking at women, with morbidly obese housewives dragging somethings I can only assume walked right out of them, with couples, holding hands, madly in love and other such earthlings.

It’s a good and bad feeling, putting yourself in a spectator’s position. Good, because, well, lets be honest, its good entertainment. Bad, because you might see people doing things which would make you want chop you arm and shove it down your own throat and choke on it and die, just to be from the same species.

I often do this when I’m bored, grab something to eat/smoke/drink, sit in a public place and observe. It is that moment, when everything, is clear. The proverbial “masks” on each face passing you by becomes more obvious than ever.

Each time, each time a woman raping her husband’s credit card snubs a beggar, each time that beggar’s little boy gets chased down for pick-pocketing, each time a girl with her boyfriend, leaves his hand and distances herself ever so slightly from him as she checks you out, each time the guy does the same to check out some chick, each time a dude in formals carrying a briefcase abuses somebody, each time another one with the same attire walks the other way dejected because his sales deal didn’t happen, each time you see these things happen around you, amidst all the chaos, things get beautifully clear.

No, I haven’t figured out the meaning of life, yet. I ain’t on a quest to, either. But then, I 
learn as I go.

I’m convinced that ‘life’, for one, is a woman. You can’t live with or without her. You can’t live with her, because, well, she’s a super-menopausal bitch, at times. You can’t live without her, ‘cuz, well, you’d be dead.

It’s a cycle, a chain, a spherical cage of events. Heard of the Chaos Theory? If you haven’t, look it up, the world has Wikipedia for the lesser read.

In short, shit evens itself out.

This happens a lot. I sit to write something “commercially entertaining” and it ends up being a philosophical rant. Sigh.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How To Not Die/Kill On The Roads In Mumbai


Yeah, I’m back, finally. Got a backlog of what seems like a million posts. And damn, this place needed some editing.

Between working out 3 hours a day and then interning for the next 11 hours, it’s a surprise I’ve managed to stay alive.

But hey, I’m here now, the all “new and improved” me, and life’s been awesome lately :-D
Speaking of internships, I need to travel over 38Kms everyday, to and fro from office.

That, mixed with a couple of recent accidents my friends have been having on the road, which I still laugh about, made me think that people require some sort of guide, when it comes to handling the roads in Mumbai.

We shall do this point-wise, to emphasise as to “what” can/will kill you “how”. So here goes nothing –
1.Lane Rules, wait, what?  -
Lane rules in India, well, is pretty much like the concept of family planning in, well, India. It’s unheard of.

 While riding/driving in Mumbai(including the highways), you must ALWAYS assume the doped assclown in the vehicle in front of you, is your enemy, and he wants to kill you.

No matter how much you honk, and let him know you exist, he will swerve to your lane, just when you’ve decided it’s safe to overtake.

 So, think 10 times, observe the body language of the driver in front, and THEN make your move.

2. The Lady-Driver factor 
At the cost of sounding like a “male-chauvinistic-pig”, I’d like to just put it out there. Something all men know.

Women can do everything in today’s day and age. But, driving, nah-uh.

 So, when you see a woman driver in any vehicle near you, one MUST assume that she is putting on her eye-liner looking at the rear-view mirror, and her side-view mirrors are mere accessories she got free with the car.

 One must ALSO assume, that, on panicking, she will floor the accelerator, instead of the clutch/brake. Which means, after hitting you, she will run you over, multiple times, and drag your carcass for quite some distance until she hits something and kills herself, finally bringing the car to a halt.

 So, when you see a woman driver, either you get to a higher gear and rip you sorry ass out of her sight or give her the right of way and reach your destination successfully, and alive.

3. The Auto-rickshaw factor  -
These are the generic, but low powered “tuk-tuks”. With 3 wheels the same size as the wheels of a tricycle I had when I was, well, 3, a turning radius of almost zero and equally retarded drivers, make these the perfect little accident causing suicidal machines.

When you see a rickshaw at the side of the road you’re driving on, ALWAYS assume, that it WILL turn at a 90degree angle right in front of you, at the last minute where you cannot avoid a collision.

You may however feel better knowing the fact that the rickshaw would probably never start again, and the driver’s probably dead.

4. Jay-walkers –
No, We do actually have footpaths/sidewalks in India. Just that, over here we call them Shop-extensions.

The most annoying little creatures we have to share our roads with, the jay walkers.
What makes it worse is that people seem to think it’s their birth-right to walk right in front of your moving vehicle, and stand there. They almost KNOW you will brake to a complete halt from blistering speeds, and they’re willing to take the risk.

 So, when you see somebody at the side of the road, looking to cross, and it seems like he/she’s giving you the right of way, ASSUME that they will at some point jump in front of your vehicle in suicidal fashion.

I’m still confused about the correct suggestion for this issue, ‘cuz my “heart” says, let them live, my brain yells, “Kill the stupid mother)(#)$*+!”

5. Traffic “Pandu” Police effect –
Very similar to the jay-walkers. Just that these obnoxious jokes for human-beings are usually in hiding, most often behind a parked car, or a tree at the side of the road, waiting for you to break a traffic light, or to catch you without your helmet/seat belt, etc. They charge, unofficially ofcourse, anything from 100 to 1000 bucks to let you go.

 It’s funny how they get into your pyche as for those of us who are lucky enough to spot em at a distance, we brake, we brake hard to put on the things we don’t, not caring if our 1yr old baby without the seat-belt goes flying through the windshield in case of a car, or your best friend on the bike gets launched over your head, just to save a 100 bucks and 20 minutes of time.

 So, if you see a “pandu” at the side of the road, just put a gear down, and don’t let him catch you. It’s highly unlikely that he will even attempt to make an attempt to catch you, being so physically fit and all. It’s funny, now that I think about it, they can probably roll faster than they can run.

6. Instant-Combustion –
Yeah, it is exactly like what it sounds.

There are a few vehicles on our roads, including the rickshaws that are so well engineered, that they instantly go up in flames while standing at a traffic light/parking lots.

 It’s probably the CNG tanks in them, but who cares, its funny when it happens.

 So, when you see a rickshaw standing next to you at a traffic light, suddenly go up in flames, and the driver runs out for his life with his ass half ablaze, you must ALWAYS get out of your car, point at him and laugh. Also record a video of it and put it on Youtube.

Get these things in your head, and your good to go.
Cheers, Drive safe.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Scrabble Lady & Poker-Mom

Another Saturday goes by.

As usual, I reach home by 430a.m, after doing everything that had to be done, I finally got into bed by around 5.

Just when my body thought of shutting down for the day, it was rudely awakened by my phone, which had screamed and vibrated itself to an orgasm.

Yeah, phones don’t do that, not literally anyway.

It was a notification, for somebody had played their turn on the online multiplayer version of Scrabble. That somebody, is the “Scrabble Lady”, the simplicity of our interaction, is beautiful, we’ve been playing together for a while now, and the only thing we know about each other is the name and the countries we live in, we end up chatting whenever we the time, on general topics.

We've never had any awkward moments , because there's this comfort level we share, which is weird for someone I met by clicking a button, she's an amazing person to talk to, has a great personality, and she's one of the rare sane ones you find over the internet.

There’s also somebody else, I call my “Poker-Mom”, for she is somebody I met through the online Poker gaming scene. Again, a random interaction, but a much closer one than the scrabble-lady. She’s actually a great form of support, and a great person to talk to, pretty much like a second mother, and hence the name.

It’s weird, the existence of a whole other world, the virtual one.
A virtual world, generated by the numerous social-networking websites, online-gaming websites and other such interactive mediums, which has brought the entire planet under one roof.

A virtual world, where everybody is perfect. Every individual has been given the ability to play god on him/herself and portray themselves in a way only they can see themselves.
The way I see it. The virtual world, is one where little girls become ladies, little boys become men and men become little girls.

The technology these days, including mobile-phones, computers are produced, keeping these in mind. They are well adapted to social-networking and gaming, which increases their demand in the current market.
But then again, like all things, there are many perspectives of looking at this case.
Let’s take a look at the negatives.

The openness and the transparency in private data on such websites, is an obvious risk. It’s almost like waiting bent over, in a way. Then comes the topic of imitations, duplications and defamations. There have been countless cases of girls being harassed by unknown people, by other sending crude messages, by sneaking into profiles and copying images and creating a duplicate profile.

The “will u make fraandsheep wid mee” messages to girls from random strangers are pretty famous.

Personally, I’ve not had a negative issue, ‘cuz well, for one, I’m not a 15 year old retarded girl who clicks less than appropriate pictures of herself and not bother about privacy settings after uploading.
(It’s funny how it gets almost sexist, ever heard of a guy’s profile being hacked into? It’s obviously not “cool” to do so in the mentally-sick community)

No negatives for me, also because, I’m twice the size of normal human-beings, and I get beastly when I’m angry.
But hey, it’s not only a path strewn with thorns, for a sane, mentally stable person who cares for his/her privacy, such websites can be a boon. Why, even I use them to publicize this very blog. It helps me get in touch with people I’d lost touch with years ago, and stay in touch with people who matter, also ignore and block those who do not.

Many companies in the present day, ask for the link of the individual’s social-networking profile, so that they can gauge the person, by the kind of activities he/she may take part in.
I see it the way it’s meant to be seen, for networking, for keeping in touch with friends, scouting for job/internship opportunities. I’ve met some really cool people over such platforms, people who look at things the way I do.

I even started speaking to my present girlfriend of four years, after I saw that she listens to my favorite metal-band through her social profile. Before that, being in the same school, we both were pretty much strangers.

It gets really hilarious at times, on these platforms.
Like, when some lil’ dude acts all manly over the internet. I mean, common, what’re you going to do? CapsLock my ass?

Let it be the Virtual world, or the Real one. Stay true. There’s literally only one of you in this world. There’s no need to be somebody else.
Chill, Make friends, Drink, listen to good music, have amazing conversations. There’s a lot more to life, I’ve realised.

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Man's Best Friend

I’m back, following another Saturday night I vaguely remember.
I got back home at around 4am, to the most genuine forms of welcome a person can get, my baby Angel, a 3 and half year old Golden Labrador retriever, with hyperactive jumping around, happy eyes, heavy, excited panting and slobbering all over my face.
The same happens every single time I return home, even after running 10 minute errands, and I love it even more each time.
It’s funny, how animals can not only affect you positively, but also become a major aspect of your life and basis for many decisions a person makes throughout his/her life.
My fellow schoolmates, who have seen both “versions” of me, before Angel, and after Angel came into my life, and I can say it astonishes them, each time I do something I’m not known to do, like caring for anybody, humans or animals, considering other people’s feelings before talking, AT times, etc.
I went from an arrogant, violent, short tempered monster, to the guy who sings his dog to sleep, cancels his plans to not leave her alone without thinking twice, spending a major chunk of his pocket-money to buy her fancy stuff.
It made me the person I am today.
I attribute every single positive trait, in me, which I have gained or developed to Angel. She’s everything to me.
That was my story. There a millions of such stories, of animals bettering human lives.
Studies have shown, that kids that grow up with pets around, grow up to be responsible adults. Animals stand for loyalty and the most genuine form of love.
People say that the “mother’s love for her baby” is the most genuine, I do not disagree, but I say, The love an animal has for its master/owner/friend, somebody it looks up to, that look in its eyes, of something I can only describe as an unprecedented amount of love and sheer trust and belief it has in you, IS the most genuine feeling.
I say all this, keeping in mind not only the domesticated animals, but also the “wild” animals, for even they, when they’re rescued and taken care by humans have also exhibited the same characteristics.
No, I do not mean that it’s okay to go near a wild tiger and go “Here, pussy pussy!”.
What I did mean though, was, the animals are our neighbours on planet earth, they too have a right to live. And nothing gives us the authority to take their right to survive away from them.
No, I’m not a vegan, If anything, I’m a strict carnivore, which does not make me devoid of love towards the animals. But, then again, you already might’ve gathered, that I don’t give a tiny rats ass for your judgement on the same.
The point of this, is to spread awareness, to bring forward the atrocities the animals are being put through, Shark-bait dogs, who are used to hunt larger sharks, Japanese harpooning and whaling vessels are doing their bit of wiping out the largest animal on planet earth, lions, tigers, bears, crocodiles for game and skin, elephants for their ivory. Carcasses of dead animals adorn the fat filthy elite, on their person, or their homes.
I must take this opportunity to mention certain groups who are doing their bit, Rescue Ink, big biker dudes with a soft spot for animals, the group has now broken apart, but merged with another one called Packethic, you can find them at, also the crew of the TV series Whale-Wars are doing their bit in hindering the Japanese whaling vessels and The Animal Rescue Group, you can find these guys through the many social networking websites, also on this very page on the right column.

Also on this page, on the same column, I request you to click on the “Donate Food” button, and answer a few questions, for each one a certain amount of food will be provided for rescued animals.
So, if you’re planning to adopt/give an animal a home, do your research, go ahead, the experience is incomparable, I'm lucky to have an angel by my side at all times, you will learn a lot about life and more importantly about yourself, things/attributes in you you never knew you had. lt makes you a better human being.
If you can't afford to raise an animal, not many of us have the resources or the time, volunteer weekends at shelters, or at a very basic level, take care of 5-6stray animals in your locality, read more, spread the word wider. Support causes in any way you can, monetarily or in any other way you’re able to.
 But, do not harm, if u cannot help.
It is not yours, or your fathers or your grandfather’s right to cause harm to an animal.
If you enjoy pelting stones at dogs, throwing cats, hurting animals for your pleasure, you need help, mentally, because you're disturbed and full of insecurities you cannot begin to fathom, and physically, because of the magnitude of sheer impotence you exhibit by hurting a defenceless creature.
And if you’re really unlucky, and you do so, in front of me, I will do exactly the same thing you did to the animal with you, even if it means me going to prison.
 And I'm not kidding.
Live and let Live, and don’t finger.