When it comes to the overview of the holistic development of India, a certain phrase seems synonymous, “the same gift, re-wrapped in a more attractive wrapper”. We are the same ignorant people, part of a system run by the same kind, with the only difference being, the fact that now, we earn better.
Father- What is the sole most important thing India provides the world?
Son- Tech Support
**SMACK!** “
The above was a joke, published on a certain website. A joke, which almost seems surreal, Why? Because, that father, that son, me and you reading this, know for a fact, that it’s true.
It’s the year 1970, a farmer toils all day at field, and somewhere in his mind echoes “mera beta bada hoke engineer banega”, “mera beta daactur banega”.
Let’s time-travel to 2011, a big executive at an MNC works all day, with the EXACT same thought. Hence the reference to the gift-wrapper phrase.
India, as we already know, along with China, are the leading exporters in labour, labour of all kinds. Ranging from opening the country for various BPO’s to set up, to generate employment to sending executives to respective countries to work there, as we are the only breed of earthlings to readily work week-ends, for a much cheaper rate and way lesser benefits.
It’s a vicious cycle, from parents, to children to their children where the whole concept of “living your life to its fullest”, doesn’t even feature on the credits.
The cycle goes something like this,
You study, in most cases forced to, something you hate, put in 10-12 Hr days at the office doing something you hate, earn what seems to be a large sum with the ‘$’ sign, have a major epiphany when you have your first heart-attack about how you pretty much did nothing you ever wanted to or made you happy all your life and then die.
Why can’t Indian parents see their children as, football/basketball players, Artists, Photographers, Writers, Actors, Video Game Designer, doing something which makes THEIR life fulfilling without being frowned upon?
More so, the same Indians, who want to be safe, who want everybody around them safe, who complain about the Indian Political Scene and doubting the abilities of the India Armed Forces, here’s a question,
WHY do you NOT encourage YOUR child, to be a politician? or an Army man?
The relationship between a parent and a child, is one of a kind, and the strongest around. The protective and possessive nature’s justified, doubting that, or a parent’s love is not the aim of this piece.
Just, as the parents expect the child to understand, the child feels the same need too, even more at times.
Times change, encourage whatsoever the kid wants to do or become in his/her life. Stop trying to live the life you always wanted through your children, the feelings may not be mutual.
Try and be a guide, not a jail warden.